These giant arrows were called Beacon Stations and helped guide the pilots of early airmail flights across the nation.
They were at the base of 50 foot skeleton towers that had a 24' or 36' rotating beacon and in the early days painted Chrome Yellow. Where electicity was unavailable they had a generator shed on the feather end of the arrow to power the beacon. The site number was painted on one side of the roof of the shed, the other side had the airway.They pointed to the next higher numbered beacon station, directing the pilot along his route. All arrows pointed east on the west-east airways and north on the south-north airways. They were built between December 1926 and November 1932, when metal arrows became the standard.
Each photo is a link to a webpage with more photos and information about that site, including the gps location.
There were 34 Contract Air Mail (C.A.M.) routes that pilots flew the airmail over. We have arranged the arrows by their C.A.M. No._beacon No., airway and name.
Example: 1_09 NY-B Bethany-means Contract Air Mail route No. 1, beacon site No. 9 on the New York-Boston airway, Bethany, Department of Commerce Intermediate Landing Field-(abreviated to DOCILF).
Across Arrow Svg
The Cross and the Arrow book. Read 7 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Takes place during WW2, in a hidden Tank plant, in Germany. Airmail Arrows Across the USA. Friday, 30th May 2014 by Ian Brown. In the early days of the US Postal Service's national airmail service, pilots had to navigate across the USA by sight alone – a task that bad weather could make extremely difficult. ⬇️ Down Arrow Emoji Meaning. An arrow, pointing down. See the glossary for information on the term black in unicode character names. Down Arrow was approved as part of Unicode 4.0 in 2003 under the name 'Downwards Black Arrow' and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. To load an arrow for shooting (nocking an arrow), the archer places an arrow across the middle of the bow with the bowstring in the arrow's nock. To shoot, the archer pulls back the arrow and the bowstring, which in turn flexes the bow limbs, storing elastic energy. Typically while maintaining the draw, the archer sights along the arrow to aim it. Arrow Health Solutions simplifies and improves the process of providing medical equipment and services to your family while enhancing and advancing Arrow's child welfare programs across the country.
Across Arrow Emoji
You can also search by State, by going to the Arrows & Beacons page.